Essential Oils For Natural Hair Growth
When people think about dōterra, they automatically think of multi-level marketing (mlm); joining someone’s team in order for them to make money, or simply being a scam. Much like everyone else, I remember seeing valuable information about dōterra at least twice before I considered doing research about the company. When I saw it a third time, I took it as a sign that I should join dōterra’s growing community. Consequently, dōterra essential oils not only have aided in my healing on a topical level, but a molecular level, too. It is a healing you can actually feel.
Upon launching Sacred Melanin in May 2019, I joined the dōterra community as a Wellness Advocate in July 2019. I knew the power of their essential oils, thus I wanted to reduce my toxic load for the sake of the planet, my family, and Kem[unity]. I had just begun diving into herbalism; looking for Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils that would allow me to provide high quality, chemical-free products to clients, thus assisting me on The Journey to Sacred Alignment. I tried at least two different brands of oils prior to coming across dōterra, however I was not satisfied with the quality. My intuition immediately spoke to me to let me know that I would not be able to use those oils for my own internal healing or the healing of my family and Kemunity.
When I could not figure out where the scam existed within the company, I then became a Certified Essential Oil Specialist to advocate even further for the sake of wholistic health & wellness; from everyday products that we use within our homes, to the fact that there is an essential oil that can be used for literally anything and everything! Since then, I have spent the last 3 years getting acquainted with dōterra’s chemical-free household products & essential oils beyond just the smell, as essential oils elicit an emotional response within our bodies. Above all else, dōterra’s values align with my own — reducing toxic load within our spirit, mind, and body & our immediate environments by providing solutions, the highest quality essential oils & chemical free products.
Within the last 4 years, I have intuitively used dōterra essential oils for a myriad of remedies, from common cold, deodorant, hair growth, and other minor ailments. If you know me, you’d know that my hair is near and dear to me. I have experienced many hair transformations, and though I have never colored or permed my hair, my hair has been cut at least 5 times; whether accidentally or intentionally. After years of cutting my beautiful tresses, I finally decided that I would never cut it again (only trim my ends). This conscious decision prompted me to first utilize dōterra essential oils alongside other trusted products for healthy hair growth.
My hair texture is 3b/3c, a lil bit of 4a (and then some). Before “going natural” became popular amongst the Melananated community, I would always get asked “are you mixed”? I didn’t quite innerstand how my hair texture was the reason for those questions. Furthermore, I didn't know how to take care of my hair after my mother stopped. As a result, my hair was often dry and damaged; especially from consistent heat, thus the last decision to cut my hair was made on June 4, 2017. That was also the day that I decided that I no longer wanted to depend on weaves, flat-ironing or anyone else taking care of my hair for me.
The process of a healthy, happy, and whole hair growth journey without any weaves, hot irons or anyone else taking care of my hair was a struggle until I became a dōterra wellness advocate. My first LRP (loyalty rewards points) order consisted of eight essential oils – Eucalyptus, Lavender, Wild Orange, Rosemary, Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Tea Tree (Melalueca). Along with this order being over 125pv (point value), I received a free 15ml bottle of Laurel Leaf. I had never heard of Laurel Leaf, so I decided to do research on the benefits & uses of the herb in oil form. While doing research, I found that Laurel Leaf has many uses and as I continued my research, I read "Bay Laurel Leaf oil is thought to be a good tonic for the hair, as it boosts hair growth and prevents excessive hair loss. Because it is also an astringent, it helps to tighten the grip of the hair follicles and the hair roots, thus preventing loss of hair."
Knowing that dōterra essential oils come directly from plant parts, I became excited at the idea of my hair growth journey transitioning for the better. I first began using Laurel Leaf & Tea Tree oil together. Within just two weeks of doing so, I had already begun to see changes, however I wanted to be sure that it was more than just an idea, so I used at least half of the Laurel Leaf bottle & then decided to get braids for the first time in four years. I continued to use the two oils together for as long as I had braids & upon taking down the braids, I was able to see just how much my hair had grown. I was in awe of the mere fact that I had taken a chance on dōterra, thus I intuitively learned what oils to use for hair growth.
It has been four years since I joined the dōterra community and six years since I embarked on a healthier hair growth journey. To this day, I still use Tea Tree, Lavender, Rosemary, and Peppermint essential oils within my natural hair care routine. I have also started incorporating Thyme, Geranium, and Cedarwood on occasion, too. While dōterra essential oils have done more for me than just aiding in healthy hair growth, and helping to heal other minor ailments, dōterra’s chemical free products have also helped me to reduce my toxic load within my home & within my spirit, mind, and body, as I have used many of these oils to make my own natural cleaners.
How will you reduce your toxic load?
Photo by Hanna Lesnaya on Unsplash